Can you get a car loan online with bad credit? Of course you can!

Can you get a car loan online with bad credit? Of course you can!

Shopping for a car loan when we have bad credit isn’t easy, but it is nevertheless possible to simplify the process and shop for second chance or third chance credit online. Doing so allows you to compare different options and find the right car loan despite poor credit.

At Steel Valley Chevrolet, we offer a personalized approach according to each client's situation and we often meet with our clients in person to find the right 2nd chance financing plan. That said, it is still possible to find the right financing plan for our Nova Scotia clients even if you are at home with our online financing application tool and our Steele Advantage Financing program.

Think it's a waste of time? Not at all. You see, our tool takes the same personalized approach that our advisors offer in person. In addition to entering normal information such as your address, you'll be asked your employment status, whether you own or rent your home and how much you pay monthly. Most importantly, we'll ask you your car budget for your next vehicle.

By combining your rent (or mortgage), your budget and your income, we will be able to send you a personalized offer. We will also ask you what type of vehicle you are interested in so that we can further adjust our offer to your needs.

With this information in hand, you will be able to see the vehicles that are available to you and you will have finalized the most important part of the purchase process, the financing. Once your financing is approved, that's when the fun begins. In other words, once the financing is approved, you can choose your next vehicle with confidence.

By shopping your car loan online, you get a streamlined process that turns your bad credit into a new vehicle in your driveway quickly and easily. And, with our personalized financing plans, we will make sure that we turn your bad credit into great credit!

If you want to know more about your financing options and the car loans that are available to you, start an application process online today!

Easy Credit